“Tick, Tick … Boom!,” a lesser known musical by composer Jonathan Larson, who won a Pulitzer and three Tony Awards for his musical “Rent,” opens with a ticking sound.
“The sound you are hearing is not a technical problem. It is not a musical cue. It is not a joke. It is the sound of one man’s mounting anxiety. I … am that man.”
Regarding the Patient-Driven Payment Model, we are all that man!
PDPM has dominated our professional awareness since its predecessor, RCS-1, hit the airways over two years ago. The amount of attention it has received is indeed appropriately proportioned to the impact it will have on how we render, and are reimbursed for, care. Care will not change as much as how we document the assessment of care, but no matter how you slice it, this is a significant piece of pie.
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